Monday, April 23, 2007

St. Ignatius rocks!

St Ignatius as paraphrased by David I. Fleming
Priniciple and Foundation, Spiritual Exercises
The goal of your life is to live with me forever. I gave you life because I love you. Your response of love allows my life to flow into you without limit.
All things in this world are my gifts presented to you so that you can know me more easily your love to me more readily.
I want you to appreciate and use all my gifts insofar as they help you develop as a loving person. But if any of my gifts become te center of your life, they displace me and so hinder your growth toward your goal.
In everyday life, then, you must hold yourself in balance before all my created gifts insofar as you have a choice and are not bound by some obligation. You should not fix your desires on health pr sickness, wealth or poverty, sucess or failure, along life or a short one. For everything has the potential of calling forth in you a deeper response of your life in me.
Your only desire and one choice should be this: to want and to choose what better leads my deepening my life in you.
Ang ganda. :) It puts everything in perspective. And the amazing thing is that loving God is what we were designed to do best such thay when we do decide to spend our lives doing only this, we find our raison d'etre. :) God knows the deepest desires of our hearts and we become truly happy when we follow His will. Walang conflict of interest, astig. God's the best! :)

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